Bud Camping

Booking Engine - Channel Manager - Campsite Modification

The Outcome

We at Bud Camping wanted a modern and functional booking portal for our website, which could seamlessly handle both accommodation in cabins, caravan space hire and boat hire.

The BookVisit platform is inviting and easy for the guest to find. The guests easy finds the desired information and the system allows them to easily book one unit, or combine several products in one and the same order.

Our partnership with BookVisit has been exceptional, starting from the first email and video meeting. The support we’ve received is outstanding. I no longer have concerns about uncertain moments, because my experience is that support will always respond quickly, come up with good explanations and help with a quick solution.

We now have an inviting booking solution that allows easy updates in text, images, and information. Guests navigate the booking process seamlessly, and the support team provides us with close follow-up.

  • Online Booking
  • Channel Manager
  • Campsite Modification

“We had a fantastic collaboration with BookVisit, from the first email and video meeting, and the support is impeccable. My experience is that support will always respond quickly, come up with good explanations and help with a quick solution - every time.”

KristinaOwner, Bud Camping
Read more at Bud