Price adjustments
In response to market circumstances and to meet higher costs due to inflation, currency conditions and continuous price adjustments from our third party suppliers, BookVisit will make a small price adjustment on our fixed monthly fees starting March 2024. We have since the start twelve years ago never index adjusted our pricing for our customers even if our suppliers of network fees, PCI security, hardware and software licenses have annually increased their prices. We have also seen a dramatic cost increase from these suppliers last twenty four months. Our goal is always to deliver the best product and exceptional customer service and with this small adjustment we can continue working with the best third party vendors.
The price adjustment will affect the fixed monthly fees (“Subscription fees”) for applications that have been active since december 31th 2022 or earlier. The upcoming change was communicated to all applicable customers in beginning of Febuary 2024.
BookVisit understands that the market conditions are challenging for the hospitality industry, and we do not strive to make increases above a comparable index. We have therefore compared LCI for our industry and made adjustments that are well below what index adjustments would allow, clearly showing that we aim to maintain a partnership rooted in mutual support and understanding. Our commitment is to walk alongside you, adapting to economic pressures without compromising the value we deliver. We strive to be an ally in your success, ensuring that our services remain accessible, reliable, and conductive to your growth, even in tough economic times.
The price changes that will be applicable to your monthly fixed fees can be found in below table. Comparable period is the beginning of each year, for comparison.